



  Predicaminata: Qué es Predicaminata: Conoce el camino Predicaminata: Textos para la reflexión Predicaminata: Participa

Predicaminata is a pilgrimage that runs from Cercedilla, in the province of Madrid, to Segovia. A journey of about 32 kilometers, to remember part of the way that St. Dominic must have walked from Madrid to Segovia in 1218.

The pre-walk is organized by the laity of the Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic "Our Lady of Atocha" in collaboration with other persons and organizations of the Dominican Family.

More information.

Predicaminata has evolved over time. In this edition, 2024, we want to take advantage of our pilgrimage to promote, from our evangelizing experience as members of the Order of Preachers, reflection on the essential elements that should support the preaching to which every baptized person is called.

For this reason, this year more than ever, Preachaminata is open to anyone who wants to consider and reflect on the evangelizing dimension of their vocation and Christian life while on pilgrimage to Segovia following in the footsteps of St. Dominic.

This year's Predicaminata will take place on May 25, 2024. If you want to make the pilgrimage or participate in any of the complementary activities, please fulfill the registration form.


  • Predicaminata 2024. Cercedilla - Segovia. May 25th
  • Vigil. Santo Domingo el Real Monastery Church. May 25th. 22:00. Plaza de la Trinidad, s/n. Segovia.
  • Mass in the Cave of Santo Domingo. May 26th. 12:00. C. Cardenal Zúñiga, 12. Segovia.
  • Fraternity Lunch. May 26th. After the celebration of the Mass.
  • Vespers Prayer. Santo Domingo el Real Monastery Church. May 26th. 17:00. Plaza de la Trinidad, s/n. Segovia.

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Predicaminata is sensitive to the context in which we live. In the last years we have wanted to join Predicaminata to some of the campaigns or missions that some of the organizations of our Order promote.

On this occasion, since the theme of reflection is around the mission of preaching and evangelization, we will collaborate with the Dominican missionaries through Misioneros Dominicos - Selvas Amazónicas.

Selvas Amazónicas is a missionary entity of the Dominicans of the Province of Hispania, founded in 1966, whose objective is to support the evangelizing, social and human work of its missionaries.

Pastoral work is what gives meaning to the presence of the missionaries in so many places in the world. God sends them to proclaim the Gospel, sharing faith and life with everyone: "Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel".
The missionaries visit, accompany and celebrate life and faith with very diverse communities: from big cities, to villages, rural communities, bateyes or indigenous communities.

They celebrate with them the best moments of their lives where God is present through the sacraments such as: the birth of a baby, marriage, patronal feasts...; and they share the hardest moments: funerals, illnesses or even internment in penitentiary centers.

Cheer up, whether you are a participant in the pilgrimage or you want to join it in spirit, and collaborate with the Dominican missionaries.
Send your donation to Misioneros Dominicos - Selvas Amazónicas, either by making a transfer to the Banco Santander account ES08 0049 6757 5026 1623 0084 or by making a donation through the Bizum code ONG 01976. Specify the concept "WITH THE MISSIONARIES - PREDICAMINATA".




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