

Predicaminata: What is it?


Predicaminata: Main Predicaminata: What is it? Predicaminata: Know the way Predicaminata: Texts for reflection Predicaminata: Take part

Predicaminata: Qué es

It is a walking pilgrimage between the towns of Cercedilla (Madrid) and Segovia in memory of the path that Saint Dominic should do in December 1218. It runs along the same route of the old Roman road (of which there are some remains), and it coincides with one of the stages of St. James’ Way in Madrid. It is 32 kms. long and takes about 10 hours (about 8 ½ hours walking).

Two years after the Order of Preachers was approved (1216), Saint Dominic undertakes a long journey from Rome through Italy, Spain and France in order to know the places where his sisters and brothers are founding communities. In December 1218, from Madrid, where he founded a community of nuns, Dominic arrives in Segovia to establish a community of friars. Our Predicaminata reproduces the last stage of this trip.

This is not to emulate Saint Dominic’s great feat, but to identify ourselves with his missionary and preaching spirit: being on our journey, leaving our places to go in search of the others to bring the Word of God to them. Therefore, our pilgrimage culminates the next day, after spending the night in Segovia, with the celebration of the Eucharist in Saint Dominic’s cave, where we will renew our vocation and commitment as Preachers.

Predicaminata is a pilgrimage promoted by the Lay Fraternity of Santo Domingo de Atocha (Madrid) in collaboration with individuals and institutions of the Dominican Family.

The pilgrimage will end at the Monastery of Santo Domingo el Real in Segovia, where the community of Dominican nuns who live there will receive and welcome us.

There is the possibility to stay at the monastery guesthouse during the night of the May 25th and 26th, to participate in meetings with the nuns, to join in the prayer of the liturgy of the hours and the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist in the Cave of St. Dominic on the morning of the 26th together with the lay Dominicans of the Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic of Segovia and other members of the Dominican Family.

Predicaminata means facing the challenge of setting out on the road and accepting the demands of it. But you do not go alone and it is worth it. Predicaminata gives you the opportunity to share a day of conviviality with the rest of the pilgrims, immersed in a spectacular natural environment that reveals the greatness of creation.

Predicaminata: Más información

 Meaning of the pilgrimage:

The pilgrims will carry on shifts the New Testament and a decorative wooden spoon to give it to the nuns, also in memory of that gesture of Saint Dominic with the Dominican nuns in Rome. There will be a prayer at the beginning and at the end of the pilgrimage. The next morning we will have the Eucharist of Preaching in the Cave of Saint Dominic.


Predicaminata 2024 will take place on Saturday, May 25th, 2024.


The estimated expenses, which shall be borne by each pilgrim, would be:

  • Transportation. Train ticket to Cercedilla and train ticket (or coach) to return on Sunday after lunch to Madrid.
  • Bed and breakfast in the city of Segovia
  • Food. The lunch of the day of the pilgrimage is carried in the backpack. We eat en route. Dinner, that day and the next day, will be held in Segovia.
  • T-shirt of Predicaminata.

 Recommendations for preparation and equipment:

Normal health and some prior training. As major difficulties, the pilgrimage has only 2 km. up the pass of Fuenfría by the Roman road. It is a long route but mostly smooth and a continuous descent from the pass to Segovia. Pilgrims should walk at least twice between four and four and a half hours in preparation.

It is not required more equipment than the usual mountain one. We recall that accessories to protect from the sun and the rain are important, as well as shoes (never new) to hold ankles.


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